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Approved Minuutes 11/13/13
Salem Bike Path Committee
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 313 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Chairman Jeff Bellin, Dan Shuman, Ernest DeMaio, Brad Sandler, Bruce Mabbott, and David Bowie. Also Present: Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator
Members Absent: David Hallowes, Will Peck, and Dan Cooper

Public in Attendance: Michael Williamson (Salem Resident) and John Roberts (Salem Resident)
Chairman Bellin called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.

  • Approval of Minutes and Annual Report
Chairman Bellin pointed out two edits on page one and two of the minutes and then asked if there were any other comments or edits with respect to the October 9, 2013 Meeting Minutes. B. Mabbott clarified discussion on page two. Chairman Bellin asked if there were any other comments or edits, there being none, he asked for a motion to approve as amended.  Motion was made by D. Shuman, seconded by E. DeMaio, and approved unanimously.

Chairman Bellin asked if there were any edits on the draft fiscal year 2013 Salem Bike Path Committee Annual Report. There being none, he asked for a motion to approve.  Motion was make by D. Shuman, seconded by B. Sandler and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment
Chairman Bellin recognized two individuals in attendance and asked them to state their names for the record and if they had any public comments at this time.

John Roberts (Salem Resident) introduced himself to the Committee and stated that he had no comments at this time.

Michael Williamson (Salem Resident) introduced himself to the Committee and asked if the Committee ever considered creating a bike path in Fort Lee, off of Memorial Drive or Larkin Lane. Discussion ensued.

F. Taormina stated that there are a lot of historic resources at Fort Lee that may prohibit the actual construction of a paved bike path through or around the Fort.  He stated that he could look into the idea. Perhaps there is a way to develop a bike path or recreational trail around the historic resources.

D. Shuman stated that he was working with a local race group and they tried to obtain approval from the City to host a cyclocross bike race event at Fort Lee and they were told the same thing.  The city did identify an area in the Fort away from historic resources, but it was not large enough for the event, so they ultimately had to look elsewhere to hold the event.

M. Williamson also asked if the Committee ever considered connecting the Collins Cove Path to the Salem Ferry via the vacant City owned Szetela Lane parcels and Beatty Park.

F. Taormina explained that one of the proposed natural gas line connections for the new natural gas power plant is slated to come from Collins Cove through the Szetela Lane Parcels to the power plant.  He also noted that the City is interested in selling the property for private development. Until one or the other happens, it is unclear whether a bike route connection could be made through the property.  He also stated that David Beatty Park (located on the corner Webb and Fort Ave) has been adopted by the Salem Harbor Alliance for Renewable Energy (SHARE).  He would need to discuss the idea further with that group.  The Committee likes the idea of the connection but agrees that additional information needs to be obtained before they can pursue the idea.

  • Community Preservation Act (CPA) – Request for Comment/Input
Chairman Bellin gave a brief overview and then turned the floor over to F. Taormina to explain further.

F. Taormina specified that the Community Preservation Committee has asked that each of the City Boards and Committees provide them with input on guidelines and criteria for selecting projects for CPA Funding. A packet was emailed to the Committee in advance of the meeting and hard copies were distributed at the meeting with examples of selection criteria and exemplary projects that we funded from other CPA Communities.  In particular, he shared the CPA Selection Criteria from the City of Newburyport.  Discussion amongst the Committee Members ensued.

Following discussion, F. Taormina asked the Committee to provide him with their suggested selection criteria and other input so that he can draft a letter on their behalf for the Community Presentation Committee.
D. Shuman suggested that the Committee go through each of the survey questions put before them and provide answers for Frank.  The Committee agreed and provided Frank with their suggestions and comments to each question.

F. Taormina stated that he will consolidate all the comments and draft a letter for the Committee’s review prior to submittal to the Community Preservation Committee.

  • Old/New Business
Vision of Salem’s Future Bike Infrastructure
Chairman Bellin turned the floor over to Committee Member Ernest DeMaio.

E. DeMaio brought a map of Salem which he presented to the Committee, identifying the road network in Salem. Then we overlaid the map with a piece of tracing paper that highlighted the major entrance corridors in and out of Salem which would have protected bike lanes on them. He stated that he feels that the goal the Committee and City should work toward is to create protected bike lanes along every entrance corridor in Salem connecting to each of the our neighboring communities.  He explained that speaking in theory is a hard way to further the Committee’s vision, but presenting it in this manner is a better way to get people behind the idea, particularly City Officials.

B. Mabbott loved the simplicity of it and seconded E. DeMaio vision.  The Committee concurred and thanked E. DeMaio for his efforts.

F. Taormina stated that the Salem Bike Circulation Master Plan needs to be updated to include the concept of a protected bike lane and other new bike infrastructure design guidelines like colored lanes, bike boulevards, etc., as presently the master plan only advocates for the implementation of three different types of bike facilities: off-road bike paths, on-road bike lanes, and on-road shared lanes.  F. Taormina state that this vision, which was titled “Salem Bike Infrastructure Vision 2020” by E. DeMaio, needs to be included into the future master plan update as a long term goal or recommendation.  Understandably, created a protected bike lane along each of the major entrance corridors in Salem will take a paradigm shift and significant funds, however if that is the ultimate goal, then the Committee and City can work toward that end.  

F. Taormina stated that he will start to identify a funding source to update the City’s Bike Circulation Master Plan.

Old/New Business
Review Proposed Kiosk Replacement on Salem Bike Path
Chairman Bellin stated that he would like to table this item to the next meeting, as it is getting late.

Chairman Bellin then asked for a motion to adjourn.  D. Shuman makes that motion, seconded by D. Bowie and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their January 8, 2014 Meeting